Monday, May 9, 2011


Connie, Mel and Les as Mel and John get ready to leave for their trip back to Texas.

Our friends, Mel and John were in Chicago over the weekend for their daughter's wedding, and were heading back to Texas, so stopped overnight to visit. It was fun to see them after we had just been together with them on our way back from Texas in February. They had their truck filled with gifts and belongings of their daughter and husband.

We arrived home from Cancun on Thursday, April 28th with a full week ahead of us. Paul and Amy invited us for dinner after church on Sunday, so we could see all of them after our 3 weeks away. It was great to see everyone again. Selah is growing and changing so much. She loves to be talked to and held, which Grandma loves to do.

The older kids enjoyed our Easter egg hunt. Amy and I hid the eggs filed with coins, so that was

an incentive for them to find the eggs. Nathan was sleeping so he missed out on the hunt but we plan to have another one soon. Included in the eggs were scripture verses with a symbol of Easter, so after all the eggs were found, the kids took turns reading scriptures and sharing the Easter story.

Grace's turn to spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa!

We had our special outing to the Children's Museum - Grace's choice for her birthday. It is very educational and has something for everyone. Grace wasn't interested in the water way and air tunnel; but really enjoyed the building area, where she made two little cars out of wood and bottle caps. Grace, you are really good with the hammer. Grace also enjoyed the puzzles and lights.

Since Grace has such a nuturing instinct, she really enjoyed the American Baby doll with the bitsy bear and cradle. Grandpa made her special Mickey Mouse pancakes and Grace wanted to make her own Cookie Birthday Cake with decorations. It was a great day with you, Grace.

Up to Lake Villa to see Isaac, Levi and Elise, Jenny and Dan!

Wow! Elise has change alot. She's crawling now, pulling herself up, eating cheerios with her fingers, and lots of smiles for Grandma and Grandpa. We found a couple of great garage sales while we were there, too. Jenny got these fun beads for the boys, so you can make lots of neat shapes and iron them so they permanently stick together. The boys had lots of fun with them.

National Scrapbook Day
My friend Paula, came from Algonquin on Friday to spend the night and attend NSD with me. It was fun to get together and get a head start on our albums and reminice about the good ole days. On Satuirday when Bonnie got here she was wowing about my azalea bush and took some photo ops of me with it for a beautiful page in my album. Maris, Paula, Carrie, Bonnie and Carolyn were all prize winners. We featured our Fabulous Power Palette this year and several did great pages using it.

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