Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday we took a bus to the Chadroui Grocery Store, then caught a taxi to Rossy's church for the 11:00 AM Service. The service was all in Spanish and Rossy tried to interpret the message for us. We did learn a few words, especially from the screen with the words to the songs. One of the songs was about Jesus as king (Rey) and reino which is kingdom. The core of the message was "Go back to the cross and remember what Jesus did for you on the cross." Also "give time to God and meditate on His Word and be sure you're ready to meet Jesus."
Rossy brought her daughter, her boyfriend, her granddaughters, Briley and Jimena to church with her, then we all went out to eat at a restuarant called Vaq'va which was recommended to us by Andrea, Rossy's daughter. We went there last year and really enjoyed it so they wanted to go there again this year. The food was very good and a fun place to go.

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