Saturday, April 16, 2011


Jenny was asking about our beach front villa and what it looked like compared to the one at the Royal Caribbean, so I took a few pictures for you. We have great sunrises. I woke up at 6 AM today and called Ree and Joe as they were leaving at 6:30 AM for the airport. I was so excited about our beautiful sunrise so was glad I woke up.

We have a great villa, and found out this morning that the people who are coming to our villa were in the same villa we are going to be in next week. How ironic is that. So who knows, we prayed about it and we may end up with back to back weeks in one or the other villas.

We also were kidding about our beach front villa having a 14 inch TV while our old villas at the Royal Caribbean have the new 37 inch TV's. Our consierge said you shouldn't be watching TV but the beach in your beach front. I guess he's rght!!! We did have a great week. It was fun having both my sisters and their husbands here and also our good friends, Linda and Doug and Betty and Harold.

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