Thursday, May 27, 2010


Les left for the lake on Thursday and I headed north to spend the weekend with Isaac and Levi while Jenny and Dan took the high school seniors to a lake house in Wisconsin for a retreat.
We had a fun filled, adventure packed weekend. As always the boys love to go to the park so we spent time there, Isaac pushing his shopping cart and Levi his lawn mower, while Grandma pulled the wagon just in case someone got tired. Isaac is going to be an encourager as he was always saying, "You did a good job Grandma, or You did a good job, Levi. "
Dan's niece, Naomi and her friend Betsy came and spent the night Friday, as Naomi was interviewing for an internship at Great America on Saturday. They were really sweet gals and loving the Lord.
Sunday evening was Dan's leader's appreciation dinner, plus a head shaving for 14 men and students in support and as a fundraiser for one of Dan's former high school students who had been diagnosed with leukemia just a couple of weeks ago. So Jenny and Dan went to that while I watched the boys. They raised $1000 for the family which was a wonderful blessing. Isaac, Levi and I made rice krispie bars to celebrate Jenny's birthday, since we will be at the lake on Jenny's birthday.
Monday morning when the boys saw Daddy first with his afro wig, then bald, they were a little frightend of the whole thing, but then realized it was Daddy when he put his baseball cap on and everything was just fine.
Monday noon I met John for lunch and delivered Jenny and Dan's topper to him to use on the trip to the lake this weekend.

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