Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Day in the life of the Larson's - May 15, 2010

We came home from the lake on Friday so we could attend our two oldest grandsons, Caleb aand Seth's piano recital on Saturday morning. Both of the boys did a great job playing their piano piece. They had been practicing so they were well prepared to play. As their instuctor, Julia Revelle, said, they were to play to the glory of God. And she prayed that God would help each of the students do their best. We were so proud of each of the boys for going up in front of a group of people and playing. It takes a lot of courage to do that so we praise God for giving them the courage.
After the boys finished their piano piece, we headed over to the Christian Youth Center to watch the boys play baseball. Seth and Noah played first at 11 AM. They both played well and got several hits. Seth was catcher for part of the game. Seth is #14 and Noah is #5.
We had an hour and a half between games, so Amy went home to check their goats, and one of the mammas had another baby so that makes 4 "baby kids".
Caleb had his game at 2PM. Caleb was the catcher for several innings, then the last inning he got to pitch - doing a great job - striking out the last batter, winning 9-3.
So it was a great day in the life of all the Larsons!
Ellie, Grace and Nathan did a great job cheering on their brothers and being good sports.

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