Thursday, January 28, 2010

Our February 2nd Primary Election is just days off. These are the candidates suggested by the HomerTownship Tea Party Rally with Tim and Deb Kraulidis from our church heading it. Please pass on this information to all your friends and family as this is our major source of communication with others. Thanks and God bless each of you.

I noticed that two of the candidates have changed since my last posting, so I guess I would go with the current suggestions. Les and I have already voted absentee as we will be election judges in Troy Precinct 22 this Tuesday, so we will be getting up and over there by 5 AM Tuesday morning. But we count it a privilege to get out to vote.

Subject: our voting suggestions for Tuesday

Hi Friends,
Many of you have called or e-mailed us about who we are voting for this coming Tuesday, Feb 2. We have determined these candidates by 3 pillars in their campaign. All of them we have personally followed and met with on various occasions. We feel like these candidates encompass the true message of fiscal and social conservatism. The 3 Pillars are 1) Candidates message 2) Candidates financial capabilities in waging a campaign. 3) Candidates organizational structure in running a campaign. Also, we are developing a new statewide alliance - here is a link to a page that has alot of information on how to get voter guides and our rating on the candidates
Please vote on Tuesday, make your list and bring in into the voting booth so you don't forget. You can do that :) thanks!

Deb and Tim Kraulidis

GOVERNOR - Adam Andrzejewski
LT. GOVERNOR - Jason Plummer
SENATE - Pat Hughes
11th CONGRESSIONAL DIST. - Adam Kinzinger
8th CONGRESSIONAL DIST - Joe Walsh * (not in our district , but great candidate)
JUDGES - Really depends on the district: in our area - Raymond (Ray) E. Rossi (R), Art Smigielski, (R) Judy DeVriendt, (R)"

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