Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Oven's on Fire!

Tomorrow's our last day at the lake. Les put the old storm door from home on the basement outside door, so that will be nice this summer. We will be able to leave the door open to get some fresh air. Here you see Les with his almost finished project.

Tonight I was fixing dinner and turned the oven on, checking to see that there was nothing in the oven and preparing our fish to go in the oven. Les was out gathering fire wood to make a nice fire in the fire place when I turned around and saw flames coming out of the oven. I opened the oven to find a pot holder full of flames. I ran to the door and yelled at Les, "There's a fire in the oven." So to the rescue he came, and thank goodness, in a flash the flames were extinguished. Thanks, Les. You're my hero!!!

Oh, the last pictures you see, Les caught me on camera, blogging. This set up we have with the two chairs by the window, just wasn't working for me, so I set out to find a solution to the problem. So there you have it. It really is comfy!

South Beach Diet & Sleepover

These first two pictures: my gourmet chef "EL 'Jay" and his most wonderful omelets; and they even cause you to lose weight. We are now in our 4th week on the South Beach diet and Les has lost close to 10 lb and I'm trailing with a mere 7 lb. but with all the walking we're doing this week here at the lake, I'm sure to have caught up when we arrive home.
I can say that I have improved on my walking since our last visit to the lake when I would huff and puff as we went up and down the hills. We measured the distance today and found that we are walking 1.6 miles so that's a good thing. So far the weather has been such that we can get out. Tonight we are suppose to get up to 6 inches of snow.

Last weekend Paul and Amy went on their parenting retreat to Chicago, so we were blessed to have Ellie and Grace spend the night. We had a sleepover with Jenny, Isaac and Levi joining us as Dan was on a weekend retreat with his high school group up by Green Bay, WI.
So we were doubly blessed.

The girls and I had fun scrapbooking. Ellie and Grace loved using all the fun punches to make hearts, squares, frogs, butterflies, flowers and circles. Ellie got a few of her pictures in her album, then on to the computer games. They love playing the Mickey and Pooh games with finding letters and matching colors, etc. Ellie and I played memory and we tied that game.

Isaac and Levi had fun playing with the girls. They would have loved to join Ellie and Grace sleeping in the sun room on the cots, but Jenny and I didn't think that would work out long term. They all had fun jumping on the cots, running circles around the house, and playing with the puzzles and reading books. Amy thinks I staged the picture of Grace since Grace is holding the book upside down. What's that about? Humm! Levi loved playing with all the little cars and trucks and motorcycles. Isaac's learning to dress himself now so is becoming a big boy.

Jenny was able to get some much needed rest, too, while the boys were napping. No big trip to Kohl's this time, but no 30% off coupon either!

Anyway, we really did enjoy our time with Jenny and the grandkids. Thanks for the memories.

No pictures on this yet, but we started stripping wall paper in the entry way and had a new front door installed. We still have the trim to be placed around the door and the new storm door installed. Then when we get home I need to clean the glue off the walls so Les can paint the entryway. An interesting thing happened in the middle of all this. I got a phone call from Amy asking if she could borrow my steamer for removing wallpaper. By the way, how's it going, Amy?
Our February 2nd Primary Election is just days off. These are the candidates suggested by the HomerTownship Tea Party Rally with Tim and Deb Kraulidis from our church heading it. Please pass on this information to all your friends and family as this is our major source of communication with others. Thanks and God bless each of you.

I noticed that two of the candidates have changed since my last posting, so I guess I would go with the current suggestions. Les and I have already voted absentee as we will be election judges in Troy Precinct 22 this Tuesday, so we will be getting up and over there by 5 AM Tuesday morning. But we count it a privilege to get out to vote.

Subject: our voting suggestions for Tuesday

Hi Friends,
Many of you have called or e-mailed us about who we are voting for this coming Tuesday, Feb 2. We have determined these candidates by 3 pillars in their campaign. All of them we have personally followed and met with on various occasions. We feel like these candidates encompass the true message of fiscal and social conservatism. The 3 Pillars are 1) Candidates message 2) Candidates financial capabilities in waging a campaign. 3) Candidates organizational structure in running a campaign. Also, we are developing a new statewide alliance - here is a link to a page that has alot of information on how to get voter guides and our rating on the candidates
Please vote on Tuesday, make your list and bring in into the voting booth so you don't forget. You can do that :) thanks!

Deb and Tim Kraulidis

GOVERNOR - Adam Andrzejewski
LT. GOVERNOR - Jason Plummer
SENATE - Pat Hughes
11th CONGRESSIONAL DIST. - Adam Kinzinger
8th CONGRESSIONAL DIST - Joe Walsh * (not in our district , but great candidate)
JUDGES - Really depends on the district: in our area - Raymond (Ray) E. Rossi (R), Art Smigielski, (R) Judy DeVriendt, (R)"

Primary Election - February 2nd, 2010

I received this e-mail from my daughter and reflects my thoughts so wanted to pass it on to all of you, since this is something I am passionate about. I included in another post the candidates selected by the Homer Township Tea Party Group as I feel we all need to come together as a group to get the most benefit and I know Deb and Tim from our church who have also researched the candidates and spoken with them personally
Thanks for taking the time to check this out.

URGENT: How to Pick the Right Candidates for the Upcoming Election

This is Nancy Vanerka,

In the past, I thought I was informed and understood the differences even among Republicans and conservative Independents – but I did not. I believe God has called me, and all of us, to take a more active stance by at least getting truly informed by the true facts and helping others we know (our personal circles/relationships) get informed. Now, more than ever, we need to get informed and stand for righteousness and justice, life and truth in our nation, and protect the Godly foundations of our nation.

God’s Sovereignty does not mean everyone who gets elected is the person of God’s choosing – He allows what we allow. The first example of an election in the Bible is the people rejecting God as their king and asking for an earthly king, and they asked for Saul (because of his appearance, no less). While studying Hebrew in seminary I learned that “Saul” comes from the Hebrew verb “to ask for” – yes, so God gave them what they asked for. You see that God does this with mankind in Romans 1 as well. So God appointed Saul – why? Because it was His perfect will, plan, and heart’s desire? No. Because He will not violate our free will and honors our words and choices. God’s Sovereignty is not the same thing as what the world calls Fate. For example, who prays the prayers and takes up their authority as royal children of the Only True and Living God and Creator? Who brings food to the hungry, clothes to the naked, digs well for those needing clean water, visits the orphans and widows and the prisoner needing to know the love of God? We do. “The heavens are the Lord's heavens, but the earth has He given to the children of men” (Psalm 115:16)

I have spent DAYS, even WEEKS, and am continuing to research ALL the candidates – including emailing and calling them. I have also emailed FOX TV to please publicize the Illinois elections – to get national coverage of this crucial election, as their coverage of the Scott Brown race rallied the nation behind him financially and otherwise. Feel free to do the same! (,2933,77538,00.html) I am going to tell you who we are voting for, and warnings on who NOT to vote for (I have documented facts behind each candidate I am voting for, and those I am issuing a warning on — so if you just want the skinny – email or call me.), but I am mostly concerned about people easily locating legitimate information resources to get informed so we all can make informed and prayer-based choices.

The victory of Scott Brown is Massachusetts was a NATIONWIDE-BACKED victory and indication that many of us believe that those who have held offices already have NOT gotten the job done. The corruption in both parties is rapid and we need fresh leadership – independently-minded conservatives that won’t go along just to get along, and compromise by so-called bipartisanship.

If I indicate something unbecoming of a candidate it is because it is a documented fact – not because I dislike the person. They have just been used as a pawn of The Enemy – “For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere” (Ephesians 6:12) It is good to discern, it is a sin to judge – for yet but by the grace of God, there go I, yes?

Hope this saves you time, lights your God-given fire, and help you be the God’s representative in the earth. Please feel free to email me or call me with any questions or additional informational resources: Email: Cell: 847-833-7772

I. HOW TO FIND YOUR VOTING DISTRICTS: Go to the following and type in your address information in the fields provided. It will bring up the districts and names of your current U.S. Senator, State Senator, and State Representative:

II. VOTER’s GUIDE: Go to > see 2010 Primary Election Voter Guide on right side > click on your district > print (NOTE: Mark Kirk’s responses are horrifying. See the attached response from Dan Proft regarding his qualified response to Question #9)

III. PREVIEW YOUR BALLOT – e.g., find out above referendums and judges BEFORE you enter the booth:
* Cook County: > Candidates > Your Voter Information > enter your address > click GO (Can click on blue links for candidate who have posted a one-page summary)

* Du Page, Cook or anywhere in Illinois: view and check off and print sample ballot at > enter address and zip > click Find button > on right side, choose and click a button under “Select the sample ballot you would like to see” > shows you a sample ballot and a list of endorsements – if choose one, image will pop up on right and then click blue link at bottom. Endorsements can guide you, but still do your research on the candidates.

* Berkowitz is a fantastic interviewer who nails candidates down and makes them state their position and how they are going to make that happen in real terms. It looks like he airs on WLS radio and the on cable 13ION from 5-5:30 a.m. on Saturdays (so I prefer to view online!)

* FULL DEBATE West Suburban Chamber of Commerce full debate between candidates for governor (NOTE: be careful and do your research – two of these guys are lying and hiding things – Dillard & McKenna, and possibly Brady as well. I talked with Brady at our Republican Committee meeting in Skokie , IL and I decided not to vote for him. Dillard is also Obama’s favorite Republican (hmm) and in the above debate, Brady states, “my democratic colleagues want me to win this race.” (hmm). Bob Schillerstrom has withdrawn from the race). Stick with the whole debate because it get’s much more revealing as it goes.

(obviously, these are only for the positions where we have a choice on the ballot – e.g., for my district, there is only one candidate on the Republican ballot for Attorney General, Secretary of State, and others)

Doug & Dorothy are in DuPage County - 13th US Rep, 21st State Senator, 41st State Rep
Nancy Vanerka is in Cook County – 9th US Rep, 8th State Senator, 16th State Rep

Tired of candidates’ general claims and hearing their biographies vs. detailed plans for HOW they are going to do what they say? Don’t want to elect senators and other elected officials who have had their opportunity to change Springfield , local, and/or federal government and haven’t?

a) U.S. SENATE: Patrick Hughes
- See Berkowitz’s interview of him at
- Site:
- pro life, pro family, Catholic.

b) GOVERNOR: Dan Proft (We believe that when you do the research you’ll see, he is the ONLY choice, brilliant, with 15 years of experience in the political arena and a consistent message.)
Please check out the resources below – lots of great info on Dan, but these are some things I like about him:
* For me, Dan puts to words my thoughts about current government
* Adoption and life issues are very close to Dan’s heart – tells of how his own mother almost aborted him. Dan has served on the Associate Board of The Cradle, an Evanston-based adoption agency. He is also the volunteer spokesman for the Choose Life License Plate initiative, designed to fund adoption-service providers through the sale of specialty license plates in Illinois . Dan is a member of the Seguin Services’ 2008-2009 capital campaign to support adults and children with disabilities. Dan also coaches youth basketball in Cicero and Chicago ’s Pilsen neighborhood.
* Berkowitz says Proft is consistent and hasn’t changed his message in 15 years, and that he is the smartest candidate in the election. It’s true. He is brilliant – like a walking encyclopedia of historical facts and figures.
* Wants to revolutionalize how our state does things / fight the corrupt established order vs. reclaiming policies and ways of doing things that don’t work to promote for what we, the taxpayers, are paying.
* Slogan: Illinois is not broken, it is “fixed” – by the Chicago Nine (Richard Daly, Lisa Madigan, etc.)
* Only solution-oriented candidate that tells you specifically how he’s going to do it, why it is the solution, and why it WILL work - realistic and uncompromised solutions.
* In a debate said, “Government doesn’t create jobs, the private sector does.”
* Wants to get Illinois out of the gambling business and sell the Illinois Lottery to pay for Illinois debt
* Only one to commit to lowering income tax by 50% - and tells you how he’ll do it
* Responds quickly to emails, will answer any questions you have, in detail.
* For making government positions less comfortable so people seek election for the right reasons – hallelujah!
- Email Dan at:
- Dan’s Website:
- Cell: 312-446-6488
- Watch “Chicago Tonight”: Candidate Forum on Channel 11 – Tues, January 26th - 7-8 pm
- See Berkowitz’s two interviews of Dan at
- His incredible knowledge of economics shows, and he is a recognized spokesperson for the ideas of Milton Friedman, the Nobel-Prize-Winning Economist <- great video to watch
- Watch videos and read statements and articles on Dan on his site
- Watch full debate atWest Suburban Chamber of Commerce full debate between gubernatorial candidates
- See attachment: POLITICAL-Dan Proft Response to Question #9 on Voter's Guide

c) LIEUTENANT GOVENOR: Still researching
(WARNING: Matt Murphy is running with McKenna – so he’s OUT for us / not getting our vote)

d) COMPTOLLER: William J. Kelly
- Site: (IMPRESSIVE documentary / video – put in prison for asking Clinton, at a speech Clinton gave in Chicago, why he was not keeping his campaign promise to lower taxes! Was on the mainstream news! This man walks the walk.)
- Videos and text under Kelly Truth Squad tab:

Home Phone: 630-776-1606 Call him! Had a great, long talk with him.
He and Debra Olson have taken a lot of heat for exposing local / township corruption

f) DuPage - CHAIRMAN OF COUNTY BOARD : Debra Olson
(WARNING: Dan Cronin – worked with Kirk Dillard to draft a proposal to raise taxes and Dan voted for this increase. Illinois is the only state to still have townships. Originally townships were designed to help the poor and maintain unincorporated roads — now only 5% of the money goes to the poor and there is only a few miles of unincorporated roads to maintain. 80% of the township money goes to their The township is being used to endorses Chris Nybo to protect their salaries and benefits - 80% of the township money goes to their salaries - and because Chris is a friend of Dan Cronin.)

g) DuPage – COUNTY SHERIFF: Still researching

h) DuPage – JUDGE of THE APPELLATE COURT 2nd JUDICIAL DISTRICT – vacancy of Hon. Thomas E Calum: Ann B. Jorgensen (she is moving from 18th Judicial District to this one)

i) DuPage – JUDGE of THE APPELLATE COURT 2nd JUDICIAL DISTRICT – vacancy of Hon. Barbara Gilleran-Johnson: Still researching

j) DuPage – JUDGE of THE APPELLATE COURT 18th JUDICIAL DISTRICT – vacancy of Hon. Robert K. Kilander: Still researching

k) Cook - Commissioner, MWRD: Still researching

l) Cook - Board President, Cook County: probably John Garrido

m) Cook - Judge, Cook County Judicial Circuit

(If you want details / facts – contact me – I mean some really scary, documented facts on most of these.)
* Mark Kirk (Candidate for U.S. Senate)
* Andy Martin (Candidate for U.S. Senate)
* Kirk Dillard (Candidate for Govenor)
* Andy McKenna (Candidate for Govenor)
* Bill Brady (Candidate for Govenor)
* Matt Murphy (Candidate for Lieutenant Govenor
* Dan Cronin (Candidate for DuPage County Board)
* Chris Nybo (Candidate for DuPage Represenative in the General Assembly 41st District))
* Judy Baar Topinka (Candidate for Comptroller)


Also great information sources on info such as current legislation, info on who voted for what, candidate info and more:

* - Voter's Research Hotline at 1-888-VOTE-SMART (1-888-868-3762).




* Christian organization with tons of books, CDs, and information on our Founding Fathers, accurate American history, Constitution, etc. - own more original U.S. documents than anyone else, have training for young people considering politics. Recommend CDs: “America’s War on Terror” and “Science, the Bible, and Global Warming.” Also check out the Helpful Links tab!


* Writing to Congress Tips:

* Find out how your elected officials voted, click on their name and then Contact or Letters to see what they are acting on. They may have form letters for you to send to others as well:

* Contacting / Finding Your Specific Representative:

Nancy Vanerka

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Primary Election February 2nd, 2010

Here is a quote from Abraham Lincoln concerning voting:
"Elections belong to the people.
It is their decision.
If they decide to turn their back
on the fire and burn their behinds,
then they will just have to sit on their blisters."

I think we saw this in the last election. Let's not let it happen again.

The election is coming up quickly as they moved the primaries to February 2nd in Illinois this year. The Homer Lockport Tea Party is backing these conservative candidates; Patrick Hughes for US Senate, Proft for Governor, McAloon in Debbie Halvorson's District and Jim Dodge as Comptroller. I encourage you to get out and vote.

Go to to view the voter guide and see what each candidate actually stands for. The Tea Party has selected these candidates so we feel it is wise to stick with their choices as the vote could be split too much otherwise.

Below is an e-mail we sent out to friends and family regarding the upcoming election:

I recently had the pleasure of meeting and listening to Patrick Hughes. He is a Traditional Conservative Republican candidate who is on the ballot for the office of US Senator. I was very uplifted by his message but most importantly about his belief on certain issues that are important to me.

He is:
- Pro Life
- Believes in the traditional definition of marriage
- Supports the 2nd Amendment and the individual right to bear arms
- Believes in "Peace Through Strength", a strong national defense

He is married with three children and lives in Hinsdale.

I ask you to vote on February 2nd for Republican candidate Patrick Hughes for the US Senate.

You can find out more information on Patrick Hughes at

I believe we need politicians like Patrick Hughes to represent Illinois in Washington.

Connie Larson

Monday, January 11, 2010

Precious time with our grandchildren

January has been a fun month sharing time with each of our grandchildren.
On January 4th, Amy had dentist appointments for the girls, so the boys came to our house. Not only had the boys helped us get all the Christmas decorations up, now they helped us put them all away (even Nathan wanted to help). Ephesians 6:7 LB "Work with enthusiasm as though you were working for the Lord rather than people." Thanks, boys, for your enthusiastic work.
So we thought we would treat Caleb, Seth and Noah to an afternoon at the Children's Museum in Naperville. But we found out it was closed on our way there, so we went to plan B - bowling - instead. The boys played two games and each of them improved their scores. Way to go boys!
The girls came for a short visit and ate spaghetti with us. Nice and messy! Nathan had fun with
his as you can see from his face. And Nathan does like to feed himself; he shook his head when I tried to feed him.

Then Tuesday, January 5th we went to Jenny and Dan's for a few days. Jenny had her ultrasound and all turned out well. Praise the Lord!
The boys had fun with Levi's new Geo track train with the remote control. So Isaac was showing Levi how it works! The boys had fun with their visitor, Snow, a cute little dog. Levi would throw Snow's toy and he'd go running for it. Isaac loves to do puzzles and read books, too.

Sunday, January 10th we went to John and Carrie's to hang out with Jay and play! We had fun playing with Jay and all his toys; the ball popper, shape sorter and tool holder. The cozy coop was so much fun- wheeling Jay around the living room. Then on to the rocking horse!
John showed us his new golf bag so he is looking forward to getting out on the golf course as soon as the snow and cold are gone.
John fixed some yummy chili and Carrie delicious stuffed mushrooms - all legitimate for our South Beach diet. Then to top it off we had a great lemon cottage cheese dessert!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Christmas 2009

This is our first attempt at blogging. Thanks to John and Carrie, we are able to get this started.
These first four pictures were taken by our family photographer, Amy. She does a great job and set up the photo op in their barn at home. Thanks, Amy!

We had lots of exciting news this year. When Jenny and Dan arrived, the boys had on their "I'm the big brother" shirts. Neither of us got it, but found out that we are going to be grandparents for the 10th time in August, 2010. We are so happy for Jenny and Dan, Isaac, Levi and this new little baby.

We are blessed beyond measure and are so thankful for our children and grandchildren. One of the reasons for this blog is to keep up to date on the happenings in our family and share the God moments in our lives. Psalm 78:4 NIV "...we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done."

This was our youngest grandson, Jay's, first Christmas, so it was fun to see the excitement of him with Mom and Dad, his cousins, and even take his first steps.

It was great to see everyone participate in a home-made Christmas. Everyone was so creative and came up with some great gifts. I'm sure the grandkids had a hand in helping out too, so what a good way to involve them in the spirit of giving. Thanks Amy, for putting us to the challenge. We had the privilege of having our oldest grandsons come and help us put up our tree and decorations, so we are so thankful to you, Caleb, Seth and Noah.

Welcome to Larson Legacies