Monday, April 19, 2010

A Day Trip to Cozumel - April 10th, 2010

Sharon and Dave and Ree and Joe's last day here! We took a day trip to Cozumel, starting with an hour bus ride to Playa del Carmen, then a 30 minute ferry ride to Cozumel. Our guide took us on this boat to two different locations where we saw lots of neat fish and coral. Then we had lunch at one of the local restuarants.
When we got back to the Royal Sands we had Rossy come to show us her jewelry. We had a house full with us, Betty and Harold, and a couple (Andrea and Chris Neville) from Green Bay, WI. They were interested in helping Rossy. Andrea's mother and father bought a home in Viet Nam and support an orphanage there. Andrea's daughters are pre-med students and want to do some mission trips to Haiti, etc.
Sharon and Dave, Ree and Joe had to get up early the next morning to get to the airport so we said our good byes Friday night. We had a great week.

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