Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 17th, 2010 - A Visit with Rossy to Bonfil

We contacted Rossy before we came down to Cancun, to see when we could meet with her at her Educarte School. Rossy was at a Bible seminar in Dallas,Texas the first week we were here, so Rossy contacted us when she got home, and we set up a time to meet Rossy on Saturday, April 17th as she was doing a class with the children from Bonfil. Rossy had gotten some book marks and stickers for the children to make while we were there. Rossy asked the children to write something about Jesus on their bookmarks. One of the boys, Pedro, wrote: "Please change my dad." So Rossy has a wonderful ministry we these children.
I took pictures of each of the children and we are going to get them developed at Cosco here and give to Rossy to share with them. They all smiled when I showed them their picture on the camera.
Rossy and her daughter took us to a real authentic Mexican restuarant to eat after her class. It was called VaqueVa. The food was delicious. The owner was a friend of Rossy's daughter, so they treated us very well and serenaded us with mariachie players.

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