Thursday, February 3, 2011


I know what it is to be alone as a single mother with children to raise and many bills to pay. I know what it is to live with no mother or father and no real friends around. But most of all, I know what it is to live with terrible emptiness and deep wounds in my heart. I struggled with this life until I found Jesus and His love and grace. He was like water in the desert; His word a bright life that gave meaning to the darkness of my life. I have a passion to share His love, teach His word, and show love and compassion to others. As it says in Isaiah 58:10:
"Feed the hungry and help those in trouble.
Then your light will shine out from the darkness,
and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon."
Thinking of Cancun creates a picture of white sand beaches, luxury resorts, and perfect weather. However, few people are aware of the level of poverty in the neighboring village of Alfredo V. Bonfil. The majority of famillies in Bonfil are led by single mothers living in one room houses. Mothers work full time jobs to support their families, leaving their children alone during the day. Because of their level of poverty, most of these children live in the shadow of drug abuse and alcoholism. What they suffer from most of all, is the lack of God in their lives.
The vision God gave Rossy for this place is to bring the light of His love to the darkness of their lives by teaching about Him and educating these women and children with different skills. Here at the mission, they feel safe, they learn new skills, and they receive some food for theier bodies and their hearts. If you have a passionate heart for the mission, your visit and/or donation is a big blessing and your prayers and support keep us working.

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