Friday, February 11, 2011

HOME AT LAST! February 11, 2011

Home at last! After two and a half weeks on the road, we made our last stop yesterday at the lake. We were greeted with a foot of unplowed snow on our road, so parked at the top of the hill on Country Oak Drive and made the trek down the hill on foot. I followed in Les' footsteps. I don't think I'd have made it on my own. We carried a small suitcase ( I should say Les carried the small suitcases and his computer) and I carried my purse and computer. We found everything in order when we arrived, running water, electricity and heat; so enjoyed a nice quiet afternoon and evening there. Les did some shoveling up the steps. And I did some blogging.
Early to bed and early to rise, making the trek back up the hill. Les made two trips, the first one without me and the second one, I followed again in his footsteps. I must say we are glad to be home and found the weather around the country wasn't much warmer than here, but we did miss out on the snow! Thank you so much Paul for shoveling. What a blessing to come home to a nice clean drive way.

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