Sunday, September 26, 2010


This fish fryer is fabulous! And so is the one who cooks the fish-Les! He fixed us fish for dinner tonight after spending the week catching fish on the dock. It's really neat to catch your own dinner and cook it. It was a little nippy to sit out on the deck for dinner, so we had a nice dinner for two inside. Thanks for a great dinner, Les!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dockery Scrapbooking Weekend - September 24-25, 2010

We had a great weekend here at the lake; scrap booking with my dear friend, Paula and her daughter, Robin and friend, Jen. I actually had time to work on my album and completed 4 months of pictures in Jay's album and watched as Paula, Robin and Jen completed lots of pages in their family albums.
Today Karen, Paula's youngest daughter, and family joined us at Jolly Rogers restaurant on the lake for lunch. The staff sang Happy Birthday to Karen as she posed with this hat and sword. Then Jacob wanted to participate so it became a family affair.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Les at work in his Shed!

Fun in the ole wood shed!
We've been here at the lake over a week and enjoying the rest and relaxation.
This is rest and relaxation for Les. He's enjoying working in his shed. He put up a work bench, wiring and lights for the inside and now the latest is a dusk to dawn light on the outside. I'm impressed! All the lights work! So does that mean he will spend more time out there now that he has lights? We'll see! He's having fun so that's what counts.

We also solved the mystery of the missing fish he had caught last night! Les went out to clean his fish and came back in saying " The fish is gone!" So today he went out and checked and said there was a hole in the basket. How can that be, he just bought it this spring! Oh well, he didn't have to clean the fish!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Celebrating Caleb and Nathan's birthdays! Sunday, Sept. 13,2010

Caleb and Nathan both have September birthdays, so we decided to have a birthday party while they were all at our house. Caleb is 11 years old this year! Wow! Only two more years and he will be a teen ager. Caleb is a fine young man and so helpful to the family. Nathan is 2 years old already and loves any kind of balls. He likes cake and ice cream, too, as you can see from the pictures. Paul and Amy arrived in time to help us celebrate.
We had gotten some paint by number pictures at the garage sale on Friday, so the kids had fun painting them and posing with their picture.
We enjoyed having the kids during the weekend. It keeps us young at heart!
Glad you got home safely, Paul and Amy.

Soccer in the rain! Saturday, Sept. 12,2010

Soccer in the rain! We took Seth and Grace to the soccer game. There was a light drizzle all morning, but didn't stop the game. Seth got two goals and Caleb assisted him with both for a tie game. Later that evening Betty took Grace to a birthday party, while Seth stayed and played games. Ellie came back with Grace and spent the night. How do you like our sleeping arrangements? Not that we don't have any beds or anything. Seth preferred sleeping on the couch; by morning all his covers and pillow were on the floor. But it's more fun that way, right Seth?
We met Betty at church and brought all the kids to our house on Sunday til Paul and Amy got home from Niagara Falls. Paul e-mailed us a picture of the Falls as seen from their hotel room. Nice view!

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Larson Children perform at Pathway Cornerstone Ladies Luncheon!

Helen Tyler sat with the girls and helped them with their lunch.
The kids sat with the Cornerstone ladies and ate their lunch. How precious to see the children interact with the ladies. They are so cute.

After their performance we had lunch including chili, soup, bread and crackers and yummy desserts.

Caleb, Seth, Noah, Ellie and Grace performed for the ladies from Cornerstone with several songs, including Nothing but the Blood of Jesus, and Grace sang Jesus loves me by herself.

Grace made pancakes for breakfast!

We made rice krispie treats to take to the church this afternoon for the Cornerstone ladies.
Yummy chocolate chip pancakes. Way to go Gracie! Thanks for helping!
Grace even poured the batter on the griddle and added chocolate chips to them.
Grace helped me make pancakes for breakfast. Grace is allergic to milk so we made her own special pancakes with rice milk.

Fun at the Park!

Isaac on the scooter!
Isaac can ride his bike now with training wheels. Way to go Isaac!
Levi and Isaac on the bike and scooter. Dan's niece, Naomi, is staying with them. The boys love to have her play with them.

Levi likes to try everything his big brother Isaac does. Good job balancing, Levi~
Isaac does well balancing on the beam walking around the slide set!
Isaac is getting strong. He can hang from the bars on the gym set!
Levi likes to ride on the glider. Hold on tight Levi!
Isaac likes to have Grandma push him on the swing

Levi and Isaac walking across the bridge on the swing set at the park near their house.

Jenny and family - Sept. 6,7,8

Les went to the lake so I spent a couple days with Jenny and family arriving Labor Day eve and leaving Wed AM. Elise has grown so much already since I saw her after she was born. We spent time together; Levi and I gave Elise a bath after Isaac left for his first day of preschool. Isaac was so excited to go; he looked so grown up with his backpack. Levi enjoys playing with the tools and workbench and hanging out with Elise under her jungle gym. We got a couple good pictures of Jenny and Elise, too.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Celebrating Caleb's 11th Birthday!

I can't believe our oldest grandson, Caleb, is 11 year's old today. I guess it was yesterday, since I see it's after midnight. I always enjoy my time with Caleb. He does a great job with making pancakes and other goodies, so he made us pancakes for breakfast. Caleb has my trait of closing his eyes in pictures. So the first one, he had them closed, then he kept them WIDE OPEN! I know the feeling, Caleb!! We like to play games, so played dominoes and trivia of America. I think Caleb beat me at both games.

By the way, does anyone know what my plant is called? I bought it a couple of years ago at a nursery. They told me it is suppose to keep the mosquitoes away. I don't know about that, but it got so big in my front yard, I transplanted it to the area next to the garage, and it's huge!!! I would like to know the name of it!

Our tradition is to go to Wilderness Falls miniature golfing, so I asked Caleb if he wanted to do something different. He still wanted to go there, but we did change our restuarant for lunch to TGI Fridays. So that was fun and they gave Caleb a free ice cream sundae! I got a picture of Caleb with his sundae on my palm cell phone. So I need to figure out how to get that here. We got a few different shots at the Falls. I got a couple of great shots of Caleb fishing his ball out of the water. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CALEB!!!

Overnight with Jay! Ravinia for John and Carrie-Sept. 2nd

Carrie and John went to Ravinia to see the Beach Boys after work on Wednesday, so I went to their house and watched Jay. (Les left for the lake on Tuesday, so I will join him down there later). Jay had just gotten up from his nap so we went outside and played or an hour. Jay loves to line up all his toys in the drive way. I didn't get any pictures of that this time. I enjoyed Jay's bathtime and pre-bedtime watching him playing with the train and cars, lining them up. It's fun to watch Jay around Sandy, too. He kinda tip toes around her so as not to disturb or touch her. Jay does really well with her, and seems to know his limitations.
Bedtime is always fun, reading books, and rocking for a short time. Jay is a good sleeper-John and Carrie said he sleeps til 8:30 or 9 AM in the mornings.
I got up and left around 8 AM to go home and get ready for my weekend scrapping! Jay was still sleeping when I left. Way to go Jay!