Saturday, December 11, 2010

Caleb,Seth & Noah -Live Nativity!

Caleb, Seth and Noah set up our Nativity set before the big snow fall. They posed for this photo so I told them they would make a great live nativity.

What a fun time decorating for Christmas with all this great help. Caleb was great at putting up the lights. All three boys participated in the nativity set up. We could have our own live nativity. Noah was so cute setting up the nativity inside too. One of the sets didn't have baby Jesus, so Noah said, "This set isn't any good, it doesn't have baby Jesus." That is so true. If it weren't for baby Jesus, we would have no hope, but Praise God, Jesus did come and He will be coming back again someday in all His glory. What a wonderful day that will be.

Caleb and Seth played their piano recital songs. We even called Great Grandma Marian, so she could listen over the phone. She was thrilled to hear them play. The boys are becoming quite talented in their piano and have their piano recital next week.

While Caleb and Seth counted my Creative Memories inventory (what a blessing the boys were), Noah helped me get out some decorations and Christmas dishes, washed them and set the table so we could have our Christmas dinner, candles and all. After dinner I helped Caleb and Seth get started doing inventory and Noah came upstairs; he called me to come up because he thought he heard someone at the back door. I came to check and no one was there, but I did discover the candles were still burning. I told Noah God must have wanted to get our attention to put the candles out before they started a fire. God is so good and teaches us in so many ways through the eyes of a child.

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