Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Visit from Toot

Les met Toot at the airport on Saturday, Oct. 9th, and they drove to Jenny's to see Jenny, Isaac and Levi, while Dan was gone on a weekend retreat. This was the first time Toot had met Elise. The little red dress Elise is wearing in the photo with Toot was Jenny's when she was a little girl, one of my favorites, which is why I kept it all these years. Les commented on how Elise really likes to swing with a little bit of gusto. I was having Croptoberfest so didn't get to make the trip this time.

Tuesday we watched Jay, after Jay had a hernia repair on Monday; as Carrie and John were both working . Jay was doing fine and we tried to keep him from being too overactive. Aunt Jenny had found this Thomas the train set for Jay at a garage sale. Jay loves Thomas. Jay's saying words like Dada and Mama, Sandy, choo choo, and Bob. We had dinner with John and Carrie and Jay retired early as he only slept for an hour during the day.

Today Toot and I took a trip to Emerson Creek Pottery where we enjoyed lunch in the Tea Room and shopped in their gift shop. The days are starting to get cooler, but was still a great fall day.

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