Saturday, July 30, 2011

Seth and Noah's Birthdays, June 2011

Seth and Noah celebrate their birthdays a week apart. They had a party at their house with yummy cake and ice cream with the whole family. We were home from the lake two weeks-including the boys birthdays and Survivor Week, so Noah spent Tuesday night with us and we went mini golfing at - you guessed it - Wilderness Falls. I seemed to have picked up a bug and couldn't talk, so decided to fit in a stop at the doctor's office on the way home. Poor Noah had to stop with me; but he was very patient and I was glad to get something to take care of the cough. We topped off Noah's birthday with a stop at Chuckee Cheese for a few arcade games and ice cream. After a short rest at home, we were off for another great night at Survivor.

Seth spent Thursday night with us after Survivor ended and drove to the lake with Les and I - a day before the rest of Seth's family arrived for a week of vacation over July 4th. It was fun to have Seth spend a day with us. We spent time on the wave runners and took a trip to El Capitan's for lunch to celebrate Seth's birthday.

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