Saturday, July 30, 2011

Seth and Noah's Birthdays, June 2011

Seth and Noah celebrate their birthdays a week apart. They had a party at their house with yummy cake and ice cream with the whole family. We were home from the lake two weeks-including the boys birthdays and Survivor Week, so Noah spent Tuesday night with us and we went mini golfing at - you guessed it - Wilderness Falls. I seemed to have picked up a bug and couldn't talk, so decided to fit in a stop at the doctor's office on the way home. Poor Noah had to stop with me; but he was very patient and I was glad to get something to take care of the cough. We topped off Noah's birthday with a stop at Chuckee Cheese for a few arcade games and ice cream. After a short rest at home, we were off for another great night at Survivor.

Seth spent Thursday night with us after Survivor ended and drove to the lake with Les and I - a day before the rest of Seth's family arrived for a week of vacation over July 4th. It was fun to have Seth spend a day with us. We spent time on the wave runners and took a trip to El Capitan's for lunch to celebrate Seth's birthday.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Children's Museum, June 2011


Carrie and Jay introduced me to the Children's Museum, so I thought it would be a fun place to take the kids for their day out with Grandma. After taking Jay and Grace, they offered me a Grandparents Membership where I could join for $100 which would include 2 adults and 6 children. After doing the math I decided it would be a good deal since we have 11 grandchildren. Since Les probably wouldn't be too interested in accompanying me with 6 grandkids, I thought maybe Amy would benefit as the second adult. I mentioned to the Museum employee that Amy had 7 kids and wondered if it was possible for her to take all seven kids, which she was a little reluctant to allow, so I told Amy she'd have to figure that one out.

So when Jenny and the kids came down in June, and Seth and Noah had birthdays in June, we decided to try out the new membership. Carrie is also a member so she and Jay met us for lunch at the museum. We had a lot of fun and I think even the older boys enjoyed themselves in the midst of all the little kids. At the carpenter's shop each of the boys made a little car with wheels. The wheels were bottlecaps from various items like milk cartons, etc. The boys were imitating Jay in the last picture with their arms crossed. And Jay had picked this up from his mom so they were having fun with it.