Monday, November 29, 2010

41st Wedding Anniversary - November 29.2010

Enjoying our beautiful poinsettia plant Les had delivered from Jerbi's Floral Shop in Joliet.
It is beautiful.
We celebrated our 41st Wedding Anniversary tonight with dinner at Kuma's Asian Bistro compliments of our wonderful children and spouses. Thanks so much! It was a great place to eat. We both had a hibachi dinner, mine with shrimp and beef and Les with salmon and beef. Yummy!!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Lord, my prayer is that I would always have an attitude of gratitude
and use what I have for God's glory.
When we consider all God's gifts and all that we possess,
A grumbling mood of discontent gives way to thankfulness. - Sper
Gratitude is a mark of godliness.
Our tradition continues this year with Les and me joining Jenny and Dan and family for dinner on Thanksgiving day. Sandra and her mom Marie, friends of Jenny's from her mom's group, also had dinner with us, so it was fun to meet some of their friends. We all shared something we're thankful for, starting with the first letter of our name. So it was fun to share, as we definitely have much to thank God for.
We were blessed to have all our family together for Thanksgiving on Saturday. And as tradition has it we got our family picture, with everyone smiling at the camera. It's quite a feat to get all eighteen of us looking at the same time. I think the blinking light on the camera timer intriques all the little ones and keeps their attention.
We also have the pleasure of Greg and Andy joining us for the third time for Thanksgiving dinner. Andy loves to look at my photo albums. Our friend, Robin Mende was also able to join us for our Thanksgiving dinner.
Amy and the kids made up some cute Thanksgiving Blessing Mix for the table favors, so everyone enjoyed snacking on them.

Elise's Dedication - 11-21-10

Elise was dedicated to the Lord on November 21, 2010 at Village Church of Gurnee! The dress Elise is wearing was given to her mom, Jenny, by Grandma Marian, for Jenny's baptism, in 1976.

Jesus blesses the little children. Mark 10:13-16 People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.
We were blessed to join Jenny and Dan, along with Paul and Amy and their family, for Elise's dedication. Pastor Todd from Village Church talked on the passage above - Jesus sees children as a blessing. Jesus was eager to receive children, but his disciples tried to shoo them away.

Pastor Todd shared:

"What Kids need from Grown Ups!"
1) Focused Attention
"Let the children come to me." Jesus wasn't too busy to provide for children.
Apply this to our lives - Make time for your children and grandchildren! This is something I
want to make sure I prioritize in my life as I love to be with our family.
2) Affectionate Touch
Jesus took the children in his arms. I love to get hugs and want to do the same for my children and grandchildren.
3) Words of Affirmation and Prayer
Jesus blessed them!

How to Pray for Our Children

Every day of the Week

Sunday - Salvation for your children

Monday - Minding

Tuesday - Teachers

Wednesday - Weaknesses

Thursday - Thoughts and Attitudes

Friday - Friends

Saturday - Strengths

What Grown Ups need from Kids

Blessed are the LITTLE! To enter the door of heaven, every one of us must make ourselves small. Children show us the way to have a child-like faith. Mark 10: 14-15

WOW! I've realized since having children, and even more so, grandchildren, how much they do teach us. I just love the excitement and enthusiasm they have for life!!! For example, watching a squirrel in our back yard eating nuts, or seeing the sun rise, or hearing an airplane up in the sky and pointing at it. Or seeing our older grandchildren give of themselves so freely helping others (making up shoe box kits for needy children or helping with distributing food to the needy).

This helps me to realize that I need to enjoy the journey and smell the roses along the way and always have an attitude of gratitude. What a blessing little children are to us. I am looking forward to all the things little Elise will teach us about life, as have each of our other nine grandchildren.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Paul and Amy have had Steve and Ema Anderson and their four children staying with them the past two weeks. God Bless you Paul and Amy!
We went to Emerson Creek Pottery to their tea room for lunch and an open house; Bonnie Schmitz joined us there, too, which was fun. Amy and Ema and the girls looked so pretty in their fancy dresses and we enjoyed our time in the tea room even though they didn't serve tea and our lunch was served on paper plates and styrofoam cups because of the open house and craft show.
The girls found these cute soap cups at the craft show so they turned out to be a big hit.
What a fun day at Emerson Creek! We'll be back when the weather turns warm and they're serving tea in their nice ceramic cups and their signature salads in their flower pots!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Evan, Brennan, Ema, Ella, Steve and Kaily came to visit yesterday, sharing with us about their ministry at Camp Redcloud in Colorado. It was fun to see how the kids have grown since we last saw them and how God is working in their lives.

Evan and Brennan

Steve and Ema


I originally was going to watch Jay so Carrie could go to work, but Tuesday morning I found out Carrie had been sick all night and was staying home in bed. So Jay and I hung out together and had fun with his little trike with the handle on the back. We must have made at least 4 trips around the block with Sandy. I love the enthusiasm of these little ones. Jay would get so excited every time he heard an airplane in the sky, too.
Jay is not much for cameras so I was happy to get these pictures.
John and Carrie also have their friend Lance staying with them; so he arrived late afternoon followed by Daddy. Mommy felt better by the end of the day, so all worked out well. Glad you're feeling better Carrie.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Isaac, Levi and Elise

Elise is almost 3 months old already. She has really grown since we saw her a month ago.
Elise is smiling and loves to be held which was fun for Grandma. Isaac still loves to put puzzles together and play games and watch a movie. He plans out the whole day when he gets up in the morning. Levi is talking a lot more and can say Mama (for Grandma) and Bumpa (for Grandpa).
Levi will sit on the potty and go, not always, but it's a start. We enjoyed the day with Jenny and the kids. Jenny got Levi's album completed too. Congratulations Jenny!

A trip to Lake Villa!

A Trip to Lake Villa to see Isaac, Levi and Elise and Mommy and Daddy!

Doesn't Elise look peaceful? So cute!

Mommy and Elise!

Daddy and Elise resting!