Tuesday, August 3, 2010

First Annual Larson Gathering - July 31,2010

John and Carrie hosted our first annual Larson Gathering at Centennial Beach, Naperville, IL. Thanks, John and Carrie, for a great job of organizing and hosting the event!!! We all enjoyed our time together and the weather cooperated, with a cloud cover to keep the temperature down. That was a blessing for our two pregnant moms, Jenny and Amy.

As you can see from the pictures, we did everything from swim, play in the sand, go down the slide, swim laps, eat and visit. It was fun to watch the boys get buried in the sand. Even Nathan and Levi got in on the act. Caleb was the first brave one to be buried.

The day ended at John and Carrie's for a cookout, after some of the kids took naps. John grilled some great burgers, and for dessert the kids all enjoyed a treat from Grandpa - cool waffle cones. All, that is, except for Jay! Jay isn't into sweets too much. Carrie calls him a fruititarian! I don't know how to spell it but he likes fruit! He just drank his water or was it milk while everyone ate their ice cream.

Grandma got the three little boys matching outfits so we were able to get a few photos of them. They crack me up the way they interact with each other. It's so much fun to watch them.
We're looking forward to many more family gatherings!

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