Sunday, August 29, 2010

Paul's for Lunch after Church

Paul invited us for lunch after church as Amy was at a scrapbooking retreat. So after we changed, Les hooked up the boat so he could get a culvert from Paul to take to the lake for drainage. When we got there, Seth was cooking chicken breasts on the grill, Caleb was making brownies for dessert, Noah was vacumming, the girls were cleaning their rooms and Paul was doing dishes. The kids all have a great sense of responsibility.
We had a great lunch with chicken, corn on the cob we had gotten at Glascock's and potatoes. Yummmmmy!!! Nathan was taking it all in. He went down for his nap right after lunch so I didn't get a chance to get his picture.
Noah wanted to show me his train set up in the attic so we took a trip up there. The train set is really great. Noah had so much fun showing it to me. Then we found some puzzles so the girls and I put them together, joined by Seth and Noah.
We had a fun afternoon with Paul and the kids!

Carrie's B-Day-Watching Jay!

A night with Jay while Mommy and Daddy go out to celebrate Carrie's birthday! Never a dull moment with Jay! He had so much fun lining up all his toys outside while Carrie and John were getting ready to leave. Les let them take the corvette out for dinner. Don't they look good! Les noticed Jay was next door in the neighbor's yard lining up all his toys in the drive way. So off he went to gather up Jay and his toys. So we spent the next half hour lining up toys on the side walk.
Then in to watch Elmo and get dinner ready. Jay lined up all his trucks and cars on the couch while I got his food ready. It's so much fun watching him. Jay's so intentional in getting them all in the right place.
Then the evening was gone before we knew it and off to bed Jay went after a fun time in the tub.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Les - Canada, 2010

Les and his buddy, Chuck Dockery left Friday, August 6th for fishing in Canada. They had a great week of fishing with great weather and lots of fish and big ones at that. Take a look: a 27" walleye and a 161/2" bass. They each got their limit and all the fish you can eat while you're there. An added bonus is yummy Canadian jam which we all get to enjoy throughout the year. Plus we had a fish fry at Jenny's when Les returned home. Of course this is baby # 3 over the years that arrived while Les has been in Canada fishing . None the less, proud Grandpa was there to hold and love his newest granddaughter four days after she arrived.

Uncle John and family meet Elise and Grandma and Grandpa go home!

Uncle John, Aunt Carrie and Jay came Friday night, August 20th, to meet Elise. Elise is about the size Jay was when he was born. Jay liked to touch Elise's head and face - and he called Elise baby, too. John said Elise was really good, 'cause most babies cry when he holds them. He did a great job. And Aunt Carrie enjoyed her turn while the three little boys played in the basement with their daddies.
Then the time came for Grandpa and Grandma to go home. Grandpa left early so missed getting in on the photo op!!! It's always such sweet sorrow leaving- I'm going to miss those 6 AM visits from the boys first thing in the morning - but on the other hand, the extra sleep will be nice, too!!! Thanks Jenny and Dan for a great couple of weeks!

Elise's first bath!

Elise had her first bath and was very content with it all. Jenny's godmother, Paula Dockery, made the beautiful pink hooded towel and blanket. Levi kind of took a liking to the blanket. Isaac is the official gift opener. He still calls his sister, "the girl". He and Naomi came up to see Elise take her first bath. We got some fun pictures of Elise in her strawberry outfit. A friend of Jenny's gave her some newborn clothes as all the 0-3 months are too big. Elise is really tiny compared to the boys.


August 18th Naomi, Dan and Jenny's niece, and I took Isaac and Levi to Lamb's Farm, about 40 minutes from their house. We arrived before it opened, with our lunch and water. The animals were being fed and getting fresh water and hay. The boys got to pet the goats and sheep, who were very cooperative. We saw rabbits, geese, all varieties of chickens and roosters, cows - the biggest I've ever seen (and I did grow up on a farm), horses, a peacock, but not with its tail fanned out, farrots, a snake, a turtle, and ducks.
Then we rode the merry-go-round, and with our pass, the rides were unlimited. So we went round and round until Naomi and I were getting dizzy and decided we'd better stop. The train ride was the next adventure. We were all set to go when Isaac decided he had to go potty, so we found the port-a-potty and made it back in time to ride with Naomi and Levi.
The boys thought the merry-go-round was the most fun! Our biggest challenge was keeping the boys awake on the way home. We planned for the boys to eat their lunches in the car on the trip back, but poor Levi was so tired that even with all Naomi's efforts to keep him awake, Levi was, until Isaac decided he couldn't wait til he got home to go potty.... So we found a Culver's in just the nick of time. So Levi and I got out and walked around while Naomi and Isaac made their trip inside. The rest of the trip was easy - Levi had gotten his second wind. But then he was wide awake when he got home for his nap!!! It was a great time and never a dull moment with Isaac and Levi!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Grandpa and Uncle Paul's family meet Elise!

Grandpa Larson got back from fishing today and met his newest granddaughter, Elise. We got some great pictures and Elise was so content with her Grandpa.
Paul and Amy and family came for the afternoon and Elise got to meet her aunt and uncle and cousins. What a blessing our grandchildren are. They truly are a gift from God!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Visiting Elise in hospital and coming Home!!!

Yesterday, August 12, I spent the day with Jenny and Elise at the hospital, hanging out holding Elise and taking pictures of all the visitors who came to welcome Elise into the world. Jenny and Dan's niece, Naomi, who is spending the summer and fall with them and doing an internship at Great America at Johnny Rockets, had the day off, so went with me and the boys to visit Elise in the hospital. Good friends, Cheryl and her daughter Danielle, and Kristen Bos were among the other visitors.

Today Jenny and Dan brought Elise home and were greeted with two eager brothers. Levi seemed the most intense and wanted to rock the car seat, saying "baby". Isaac calls her "the girl"! So it is so much fun to watch them and their excitement. Levi was "Daddy's boy" today and Isaac stuck close to Mommy. I'm sure there will be lots of adventures in the Hays household!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Elise Raeanne Hays - Born 8-11-10

From Dan Hays: Elise Raeanne was born this morning at 7:22am! 6 lbs 11 oz. Mom (Jenny) and baby are doing well! And we made it to the hospital!! Got here at 6:30am so it was quick again.
More news later when the boys go to bed tonight. I just wanted to get the pictures posted. Elise is a special blessing from the Lord!!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Jenny and Dan's, August 5 - 8 2010

Friends of Jenny and Dan, Dale Vermillion and his wife and daughter from Florida, stopped to say hello. Dale works with money matters and is a frequent guest on Moody Radio advising people on home loans and managing debt. He has written a book on the subject.
Dan and Jenny's niece, Naomi, is doing an internship at Great America, so on her days off the boys love to have her play with them.
Mommy and the boys are shredding zucchini to freeze for later use in making zucchini bread and cakes. Yummy!!!

We made a trial run to Jenny and Dan's on August 5th, as Jenny had been to the doctor, who wanted to monitor Jenny in the hospital for a day. The boys enjoy playing outside in the back yard.
Dan's niece, Naomi, is staying with them, so she loves the boys and they love her. Isaac and Naomi put this big dinasaur puzzle together.
Les made eggs for us for breakfast with Levi's help. Les is leaving Thursday night to go to Chuck Dockery's, then on to Canada fishing. They spend the first night in International Falls and spend the next day traveling to their destination at Frog Rapids.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Noah likes his new boots and wanted to wear them with his shorts. How cool is that!!!
Noah still likes his Mickey Mouse pancakes and helped make them. Thanks! Noah!
Noah helped Grandpa and me put up curtains in the bedrooms. I'm planning an overnight with the scrapbooking gals - a bed and breakfast. Thanks Les and Noah for helping!!!
Ymmy Ice Cream!!
Miniature golf at Wilderness Falls. It's one of our favorite places to go.

Noah and Grandma had our annual trip to Wilderness Falls for mini golfing and sleepover to celebrate Noah's 7th birtday. We had a fun time golfing and playing games. Noah likes to talk and told me all about his trip to Great America riding the roller coaster. He did it once but didn't think he'd like to ride it again. Noah's in school now and helps out with the chores gathering and washing the eggs and helping with the dishes. Everyone has a job to do there on the farm!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

First Annual Larson Gathering - July 31,2010

John and Carrie hosted our first annual Larson Gathering at Centennial Beach, Naperville, IL. Thanks, John and Carrie, for a great job of organizing and hosting the event!!! We all enjoyed our time together and the weather cooperated, with a cloud cover to keep the temperature down. That was a blessing for our two pregnant moms, Jenny and Amy.

As you can see from the pictures, we did everything from swim, play in the sand, go down the slide, swim laps, eat and visit. It was fun to watch the boys get buried in the sand. Even Nathan and Levi got in on the act. Caleb was the first brave one to be buried.

The day ended at John and Carrie's for a cookout, after some of the kids took naps. John grilled some great burgers, and for dessert the kids all enjoyed a treat from Grandpa - cool waffle cones. All, that is, except for Jay! Jay isn't into sweets too much. Carrie calls him a fruititarian! I don't know how to spell it but he likes fruit! He just drank his water or was it milk while everyone ate their ice cream.

Grandma got the three little boys matching outfits so we were able to get a few photos of them. They crack me up the way they interact with each other. It's so much fun to watch them.
We're looking forward to many more family gatherings!