Thursday, July 29, 2010

Visit to Jenny and Dan's with Gigi and Sylvan!

Our non stop week of visiting led us to Jenny and Dan's home in Lake Villa. More great cooking. Jenny fixed yummy cranberry chicken and berry dessert which I think Isaac and Levi? helped her make. The boys entertained us on the swing set. Levi has no fear, as he walks up and down the slide and climbs the steps beside it. To top it off he climbed up into his high chair. Levi also showed us his new big boy bed; he and Isaac get to sleep in the same room.
Isaac said the blue and red swings were for the new baby sister, and he and Levi got the other two. But for now they're swinging in the "baby girl" swings.
Isaac loves to put puzzles together so he and Sylvan and Gigi had a marathon puzzle putting together session.
Jenny had her weekly doctor's appointment and is already dilated to 1-2 centimeters. So we're praying for God's protection and safety and His perfect timing in the delivery of this baby for Jenny and Dan.

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