Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Caleb, Seth and Noah's last day of baseball-June 19,20010

Caleb, Seth and Noah had their last game for the season at the Christian Youth Center this weekend. We got pictures of Caleb's team getting their awards, but somehow didn't get Seth and Noah. Caleb was asked to play in the All Star team at St. Joe's afterwards, so Les took him over to St. Joes'. The team played really well. We were proud of Caleb. Also Seth and Noah did a great job in their games.
Paul and Amy had a wedding in Lake Geneva, so Betty kept 4 of the kids and Les and I kept Caleb and Noah. After the game Les took Caleb home to milk their 4 goats - they got a half gallon of milk. And Noah gathered 16 eggs and washed them. He said his mom gives him a penny for each egg he washed. Way to go, boys!

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