Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Paul and Amy's Sunday - April 25, 2010

Paul and Amy invited us for lunch Sunday after church, so we had a wonderful roast beef dinner with potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower, fruit salad, and lettuce salad, topped off with delicious chocolate cake that Caleb made. I'm not ready to cook yet.

After dinner the grandkids showed us the new goat, what a cutie. Grace really liked holding him. We got to see the new baby chicks they got for egg laying, and Ellie enjoyed holding them. Ellie also put their dog, Lady, on a leash and led her around the yard, while the boys were all riding the go carts and motor bike. You can see all the pictures on Amy's blog. I forgot my camera and Amy let me use hers, but I can't seem to get them loaded on my computer. So I need another lesson in blogging.

I found the pictures so I'm posting them here. Enjoy! May 1st, 2010

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