Saturday, February 13, 2010

Presidential Prayer Team

I encourage you to go to the Presidential Prayer Team website to find out how you can pray for our country and gain some insight into our country's heritage, especially on this President's Day, February 15th.


If you haven't read our feature on how many individual states have woven God into the preamble of their state's consitution, I encourage you to read it. You can find it on our website.

As I have been traveling this week, the Lord led me to meet two Christian members of the Ohio State Board of Education. They informed me on how aggressively forces in our country are feverishly trying to take God and Christian heritage out of our nation's schools. It is truly frightening. However they also expressed their shock at the complacency of so many Christians to allow this happen.

Please join The Presidential Prayer Team in fighting back and leading the way to protect the truth about the Christian heritage of the American Presidency, and the nation. I ask you to ask your friends, Bible Study friends, and small group members to simply join our team - it's free! Together, with hundreds of thousands of members across our nation, we will lift our President and our nation in prayer every day. We will continue to provide new resources to empower our members with the truth of our Christian foundation as Americans.


Please join us for President's Day next Monday, February 15. You will find resources to make President's Day special for you and your family. From insights to history to a special prayer, please book your calendar to join us.

Read a hymn written by John Quincy Adams
Christian View of Government and Law by Kerby Anderson
View the Inspirational Video selected for this week.
What do YOU think about a new climate organization in America? Answer our poll here.


Executive Prayer Focus

Ray LaHood, Secretary of Transportation
Ray LaHood became the 16th Secretary of Transportation on January 23, 2009.

In nominating him, President-elect Obama said, "Few understand our infrastructure challenge better than the outstanding public servant that I'm asking to lead the Department of Transportation." ...more

Legislative Prayer Focus

Senator Ted Kaufman (DE)
Ted Kaufman is the appointed Senator for Delaware to replace the seat vacated by Vice President Biden in 2009. He was chosen by former Governor Ruth Ann Minner on November 24, 2008 and was sworn into office on January 16, 2009. A special election for this seat will be held this year and Senator Kaufman has indicated he will not run; the winner of the election will serve the remainder of the term, which expires January 3, 2015. ...more

Judicial Prayer Focus

Jillyn Schulze , United States Magistrate Judge of the District Court for the District of Maryland
Magistrate Judge Jillyn K. Schulze was born in Birmingham, Alabama in 1951. Judge Schulze entered Western Maryland College in 1969 and received her bachelor's degree in 1973. In 1980, she received her J.D. from the University of Maryland School of Law. While attending law school, Judge Schulze was admitted to the Order of Coif, and also received the Roger Howell Award and the Myerowitz Prize. ...more

Armed Forces Prayer Focus

General George W. Casey, Jr. - Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army
General George W. Casey, Jr. became the 36th Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army on 10 April 2007. In his previous assignment, he was the Commander, Multi-National Force - Iraq, a coalition of over thirty countries, from 01 July 2004 until 10 February 2007. General Casey was commissioned a second lieutenant of Infantry from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in 1970. ...more


Thank you once again for your prayers for our ministry, and prayers for our nation. America depends on them.

Scott Fehrenbacher

P.S. Please ask your friends to join our ministry. As you know, it is free. The Lord can transform our nation through prayer - one heart at a time. Also, would you consider joining us in our vision with a gift to The Presidential Prayer Team? Your contributions are vitally needed as we address the nation's challenges head on. Blessings.

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