Saturday, May 29, 2010


Here we are at the lake again. This time I got to ride with John, Carrie and Jay. So Jay entertained me all the way to Missouri with his books, toys and balls. The weather has been gorgeous so we took a boat ride to Frankie and Louie's today so Jay could play in the sand and water (without his cast this time). Jay had a great time.
Jay loves to dance to the theme song Veggie Tales, too, so we got some action shots of him. Carrie and John remembered when our oldest grandson, Caleb, used to dance to Veggie Tales just like Jay.
Also Grandpa inflated our new huge tube, which is a great play toy for Jay. Kind of like a trampoline - so we'll have to try it in the water tomorrow.
John and Carrie took the wave runners out for a spin yesterday and today. There was definitely a lot of boat traffic out there, especially with it being Memorial Day weekend. But John and Carrie had a good time anyway!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Les left for the lake on Thursday and I headed north to spend the weekend with Isaac and Levi while Jenny and Dan took the high school seniors to a lake house in Wisconsin for a retreat.
We had a fun filled, adventure packed weekend. As always the boys love to go to the park so we spent time there, Isaac pushing his shopping cart and Levi his lawn mower, while Grandma pulled the wagon just in case someone got tired. Isaac is going to be an encourager as he was always saying, "You did a good job Grandma, or You did a good job, Levi. "
Dan's niece, Naomi and her friend Betsy came and spent the night Friday, as Naomi was interviewing for an internship at Great America on Saturday. They were really sweet gals and loving the Lord.
Sunday evening was Dan's leader's appreciation dinner, plus a head shaving for 14 men and students in support and as a fundraiser for one of Dan's former high school students who had been diagnosed with leukemia just a couple of weeks ago. So Jenny and Dan went to that while I watched the boys. They raised $1000 for the family which was a wonderful blessing. Isaac, Levi and I made rice krispie bars to celebrate Jenny's birthday, since we will be at the lake on Jenny's birthday.
Monday morning when the boys saw Daddy first with his afro wig, then bald, they were a little frightend of the whole thing, but then realized it was Daddy when he put his baseball cap on and everything was just fine.
Monday noon I met John for lunch and delivered Jenny and Dan's topper to him to use on the trip to the lake this weekend.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Grace and Grandma's Day Out!

Grace had a sleepover with Grandma and Grandpa to celebrate her 4th birthday. (It's a tradition). We had fun making jewelry and doing puzzles. We went to the store where Grace picked out something special. She got a princess chair to take to the ballgames to sit on while she watches her brothers play baseball.

Then today Grace helped make pancakes for breakfast. We had a special day at the Wilderness Falls playing minature golf. We found some extra balls, so Grace got a lot of practice hitting the balls and we even won 2 free games for another time. WOW!!!

To top off the day, after the game we stopped at Wendy's for lunch. You are special, Grace.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Grace's Birthday Party - May 16, 2010

We celebrated Grace's 4th birthday today. The grandkids took us to the barn to see their new baby goats; they were so cute. Even Nathan got in on the action.
Grace picked out her own birthday cake - she did a great job blowing out all the candles.
Both Grandmas and Grandpas were there to help her celebrate. Grace is all dressed up like a little princess. Happy Birthday Grace! We love you very much. I made Grace a little Bible ABC photo album with pictures of her and little Bible verses to go with them. This will be a good way to learn God's Word and hide it in her heart.

A Day in the life of the Larson's - May 15, 2010

We came home from the lake on Friday so we could attend our two oldest grandsons, Caleb aand Seth's piano recital on Saturday morning. Both of the boys did a great job playing their piano piece. They had been practicing so they were well prepared to play. As their instuctor, Julia Revelle, said, they were to play to the glory of God. And she prayed that God would help each of the students do their best. We were so proud of each of the boys for going up in front of a group of people and playing. It takes a lot of courage to do that so we praise God for giving them the courage.
After the boys finished their piano piece, we headed over to the Christian Youth Center to watch the boys play baseball. Seth and Noah played first at 11 AM. They both played well and got several hits. Seth was catcher for part of the game. Seth is #14 and Noah is #5.
We had an hour and a half between games, so Amy went home to check their goats, and one of the mammas had another baby so that makes 4 "baby kids".
Caleb had his game at 2PM. Caleb was the catcher for several innings, then the last inning he got to pitch - doing a great job - striking out the last batter, winning 9-3.
So it was a great day in the life of all the Larsons!
Ellie, Grace and Nathan did a great job cheering on their brothers and being good sports.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day 2010 at the Lake of the Ozarks

Saturday we went to the Lake of the Ozarks State Park hiking a 2 mile trail. The first half mile was stroller and wheel chair accessable; the last half as you can see was a little tricky pushing the stroller. They had little yellow patches on the trees to show we were still on the right path. So Isaac kept us on track. We saw two deer; Isaac said he saw three deer. They also got to touch and hold a caterpillar!!! Mommy wasn't too excited about that.
On Mother's Day the guys fixed us breakfast and Les fried fish for us at noon. The deep frier works great and everyone enjoyed the fish, including Isaac and Levi. We had our own little church service and Isaac sang Jesus loves me and The B-I-B-L-E. Jenny and Dan left after lunch to drive their 9 hour drive home. We had a great week.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Jenny, Dan, Isaac and Levi brought Grandma (me) with them to the lake Wednesday, May 5, 2010. Grandpa had come down to the lake Saturday, May 1st to get the boat, etc. ready for us. We had two beautiful days going out on the lake boating and riding the wave runners. The boys had fun playing in the lake feeding the ducks. throwing rocks and fishing. Isaac caught a nice fish with the help of Grandpa. Dan and Les went out fishing this morning but it was too cold and windy to catch fish. They decided they could do just as well off the dock.
Tonight we gave Jenny and Dan a night out, so it was date night for the boys with Grandpa and Grandma. Isaac and Grandma succeeded in putting half a 300 piece puzzle together. Levi and Grandpa put puzzles together too.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Day with Paul and the Grandkids! Sunday, May 2nd,2010

After church this morning, Paul and all the grand kids except Noah, (he and his mom went shopping), went to Taco Bell for lunch. Seth and I stopped to get ice cream and we all came to our house for a treat. The boys and Paul helped me put all the tables and supplies away in the basement which was a big blessing!
Nathan took a good nap while the girls took turns playing games on the computer and Paul, Caleb, Seth and I played euchre. We had a lot of fun - Caleb and Seth did well. Caleb played his recital piece for us; we're looking forward to going to his and Seth's recital in a couple of weeks.
When Nathan got up we played with puzzles and cars, but his favorite is still balls. He was carrying the bat and bowling ball around. Nathan says ball, dog and does the sign language for please and thank you.
I was in the nursery with Nathan at church today, so he helped me put up the pictures for the Bible Story, which was about bringing the children to Jesus. It was a fun day!

National Scrapbook Day - May 1st, 2010

This year I held NSD at my house with 15 great Album Makers. Thanks to my dear husband for all his work helping me set up. Les is a blessing to me! He left Saturday morning for the lake so he wouldn't have to be in a house full of women all day.
Here are the winners of our Grand Prize Drawings - Left to Right: Bonnie Schmitz, Rachel Rode, Sandy Denewellis, Lisa Dailey, Carol Brower and Joyce Stacy, not pictured. We had a great day with lots of completed pages.
Pictured from left to right:
Front Row: Donna Preisler, Jennifer Reardanz and Christie DeGolyer Back Row: Carrie Schelling, Jodie Beverage, Bonnie Schmitz, Rachel Rode, Sandy Denewellis, Lisa Dailey and Carol Brower. Not pictured are Joyce Stacy, Carolyn Henderson, Cara Weber, and Cher'ie Huspen.
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A Day With Jay! Wednesday, April 28,10

Carrie and John's babysitter was sick Wednesday so I had a day with Jay. Since it was nice we spent time outside in Jay's wagon and pushing his car around. Sandy enjoyed being out and just soaking up the sun. Sandy was wagging her tail so Jay avoided her and got down on his hands and knees to get around her. (No, I didn't get a picture of that, oh well!)
Then Jay's buddie, Grant, came over to play when I left. So they were having fun together.
I couldn't resist posting these pictures below of Jay from our last night out in Cancun.

Our last night in Cancun we went to the oldest of the Royal Resorts, The Royal Cancun, to eat outside at the La Palapa. I got these pictures of Jay in his hat while waiting for the taxi. Jay discovered his tongue. It started out to be a beautiful evening with the sunset and great pictures by the ocean. Then all of a sudden Les and Carrie were bit by mosquitoes or some similar creature so we ended up in the meeting room with our boxed dinners to escape them.
We made a little play area for Jay with the chairs so he could run around while we finished our meal. It was getting past his bedtime by now, but he was a trooper.

Jenny and Dan's, April 27th, 2010 - Painting the Swing Set

We went to Jenny and Dan's so Les could help Dan paint the swing set for the boys. They did a great job. Isaac and Levi love to be outside so they will have lots of fun this summer. Fewer trips to the park? I don't know, they like to go to the park. As you can see we spent some time at the park while Grandpa and Dan were painting. Isaac still loves to color and put puzzles together. Levi loves the trucks and cars. He was driving them on the big ball and playing in the ball pool. Levi says dog, ball, uh oh, mama, dada, and even Gpa, not sure how that's spelled. When you say dog Levi sticks his tongue out. (One of his picture books shows a dog with his tongue out).
Dan had greeted us with the chalk drawing on the driveway! Nice job, Dan!
Jenny worked Monday night and had her moms group on Tuesday morning. We went shopping while the boys took a nap in the afternoon. We always enjoy our time together.