Tuesday, June 21, 2011



We were blessed to have both Paul and Amy and John and Carrie and their families with us on Father's Day. Dan and Jenny couldn't be with us as that is Dan's day at church.

Les is the master chef and cooked some great fish which he had caught at the lake! Amy got some great pictures of each of the kids with Grandpa on his special day.



Saturday was Caleb, Seth and Noah's last day of baseball and our first game to watch this season. It's a family affair with all the Moms and Dads, brothers and sisters and Grandmas and Grandpas coming to watch and Paul coaching Caleb and Seth's team. Each of the kids got a medal for participating and I got some good photo ops. It's a great safe environment for the kids with an added Gospel message for each group.

Nathan's going to be a good little ball player, getting lots of visuals from his brothers and added tips from Grandpa. He and Grandpa play catch together: Nathan's got a great throw!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lake Fun with John, Carrie and Jay! June 9th - 13th, 2011



Jay was so excited about the boat ride when they got here, so off we went in the pontoon - and a beautiful afternoon to go with it. Jay loves the beach at Frankie and Louie's so that was our next excursion: playing in the sand, chasing bubbles, playing in the water, riding on the raft with Mommy, and jumping off the dock into the John's arms - no fear! When we walked up the dock they have a big life size pirate at the end of the dock - Jay looked up and said "Jesus". Out of the mouths of babes.

Feeding the ducks, throwing rocks in the water, fishing and riding the wave runner were other fun water sports.

When Jay gets up in the morning he's ready to go. Les said it's like someone wound him up. He would come up and play with all the cars in the basket, plus his own mater, Lightening McQueen and another one I can't think of the name. He'd say, "Play cars." "Gamma, catch em". "Mama said no crash."

Other fun sayings of Jay's:

I play b ball (baseball) with dada and gamma . I fun. I dit(get) it as he chases after the ball.

When Jay goes to sleep he likes his blue blanket and teddy. He reads the Toy Story book and can fill in the blanks as you read. Woody is a cowboy and Jessie is a cowgirl!

Also Brown Bear, Brown Bear he can almost recite from memory. Then the grand finale is singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Jesus loves me!

Les and John got up early one rainy morning and went out fishing in Les' new boat. They brought back four nice big ones. John said he caught a lot of fish, but they were all too small to keep. We did have fish for dinner one night - yummy!

We celebrated John and Carrie's 10th wedding anniversary with their favorite rice krispie treats and we watched Jay one night while they went out to their favorite BBQ place -Wobbly Boots.

Great times and memories here at the lake with John, Carrie and Jay!

Memorial Day Weekend! Jenny and Dan Drive Home! May 29th, 2011

After a fun week with Jenny and Dan and the kids, they make the 9 hour trek home so

Jenny can be at work at 10AM on Monday. We had a great week with all of you! Have a safe trip home!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Trip to Frankie and Louie's and The Bridal Cave!

A Trip to Frankie and Louie's and The Bridal Cave!

Even with the cooler temperatures and overcast skies, we tweeked out a little

bit of sunshine and a fun morning with a pontoon ride to Frankie and Louie's where Isaac and Levi had a blast playing in the sand and water and Elise drinking from her straw and experiencing the sand for the first time.

Our friends the Dockerys stopped to see the kids; Chuck at Frankie and Louie's and Paula came by the house later in the afternoon to say hi! They are great friends!

Saturday, May 28th, Jenny and Dan took the boys to the Bridal Cave while Les and I watched Elise. I was glad to see Jenny could take pictures there, so now we can let others know about the Bridal Cave along with pictures.